Kayla Snow and Eric Godbout did not anticipate ringing in the new year with the birth of their baby boy, Cameron Snow Godbout. But he had other plans.

Cameron Snow Godbout was born on Jan. 1 at 9:04 p.m. — Maria Thibodeau

Born on Jan. 1 at 9:04 p.m., a week before his predicted due date, Cameron became the first Vineyard baby of 2024. He weighed 6 pounds, 10.7 ounces.

“He’s doing just great,” Ms. Snow said by phone on Wednesday. “He is quickly figuring it all out and is already super alert.”

Cameron’s parents were not the only Islanders eagerly awaiting his birth. The staff at Lookout Tavern in Oak Bluffs, where Ms. Snow and Mr. Godbout are longtime employees and the place where they met, were cheering him on, too.

“Everyone there is so excited about him,” said Ms. Snow. “Eric has been there for...13 years and I’ve been there for six. We both came to the Island for jobs and just never left.”

Cameron’s big brother Charlie, 8, was also excited to greet his new family member, albeit nervous about losing his only-child status. The siblings met on Jan. 2 and Charlie’s uneasiness quickly vanished, said Ms. Snow.

After a couple of nights at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, the family was able to bring Cameron back to their home in Oak Bluffs.

“It’s just so crazy that he was the year’s first baby,” said Ms. Snow. “We’ve been joking that he’s already famous.”