Bagpipes and bugles will play through the streets of Oak Bluffs on the morning of Saturday, Nov. 11 for the annual Veterans Day parade, hosted by the Dukes County Veterans Service Center.

The parade kicks off at 10:45 a.m. from Nancy’s Restaurant on Lake avenue and winds its way up to Ocean Park. There, a ceremony honoring the country’s veterans will begin at 11 a.m., said event organizer and Veteran’s Service Officer Randy Dull.

“We’ll start with a moment of silence directly at 11 to signify the armistice that was signed back for World War I,” said Mr. Dull. “We’ll also have a prayer, speakers... and the state proclamation will be read.”

There will be a reception with refreshments after the ceremony at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9261 building on Towanticut avenue.

Earlier in the day, members of the American Legion Post 257 will decorate the Avenue of Flags in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Vineyard Haven with 450 flags. The flags will be placed at 7:30 a.m. and removed at 3 p.m. Community members are encouraged to help, said Mr. Dull.

“It’s rewarding to see the community out and about participating in all of this,” said Mr. Dull. “Whether it’s the Boy Scouts or anyone in the community, everyone is just out lining the streets supporting our veterans.”

All day on Saturday, all walk-on retired and honorably discharged veterans and active military personnel can travel on Steamship Authority ferries for free. Riders can pick up their complimentary tickets at the ticket office with a military or Real ID.

And at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 12, Islanders can run or walk the annual Veterans Day 5K to benefit Martha’s Vineyard Community Services’ Veterans Outreach Center. The event will start and end at the Katama Airfield and there is a $10 suggested donation.

Later in the day, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society is screening Mending the Line at 4 p.m. in honor of Veterans Day. Proceeds from the film will be donated to the construction of the Oak Bluffs veterans affordable housing complex.

The movie tells the story of a retired marine who finds solace in fly fishing. After the screening, there will be a Veterans Day discussion with Island Housing Trust chief executive officer Philippe Jordi, veteran colonel and Oak Bluffs affordable housing committee chair Mark Leonard, veteran chaplain David Berube and film center executive director Richard Paradise.

Tickets for the film can be purchased online at or at the door for $20.