West Tisbury residents who participate in annual town meeting Tuesday will be asked to vote on a variety of spending measures, including urgent repairs to the West Tisbury Public Library heating and ventilation system, and $415,000 in pay raises for town staff.

However, the warrant for the meeting was abbreviated after the removal of several articles in recent months, and even more are planned to be pulled by town officials on town meeting floor.

“It’s been a weird year,” said town administrator Jen Rand of the last-minute changes to the warrant. “It’s unusual to have this many things taken off the warrant.”

Town meeting takes place Tuesday, April 11 at 6 p.m. at the West Tisbury School, with town moderator Dan Waters at the helm. Free childcare will be provided at the West Tisbury Public Library. The quorum is 138 voters.

Voters in all Island towns will also be asked to approve a $2 million feasibility study to potentially rebuild or renovate the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. That cost will be shared by all the towns, the amount depending on another article that asks town residents to approve a revised version of the regional school district’s regional agreement, which includes funding formula percentages. If both articles pass, West Tisbury’s share of the project will cost $268,400.

“People seem to understand that the high school needs some work,” said Ms. Rand.

In all, voters will be asked to approve a $23 million budget, a 5.1 per cent increase over the last year.

Ms. Rand said she expects Article 5, which asks voters to approve $415,000 to increase the municipal pay scale, to be among the more controversial ones.

“Article 5 is a tough nut to swallow,” she said. “That will be a big conversation.”

Another $1.2 million to repair the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at the West Tisbury library may be less controversial, she said, because of the necessity of the project. The system broke late last year because of faulty parts that caused other damage.

“It just is what it is, it has to get done,” Ms. Rand said.

The library funding article will need a two-thirds majority to pass and will also need the voters’ authorization at the town election on April 13.

Voters will be asked to approve a series of smaller funding items, including $35,858 for two electric vehicle chargers at the school, $100,000 for fire equipment, $43,000 for a police cruiser, $95,000 for a highway department dump truck and $30,000 for a project to lower the dunes at Lambert’s Cove beach to improve accessibility.

A series of articles to allocate community preservation committee funds will also be considered, including $208,995 to pay the Scott’s Grove affordable housing debt, $235,000 for repairs on the roof of the Grange Hall and $80,000 to Harbor Homes to provide housing for residents who may need medication supervision.

The town will also vote on annual budget requests from the county.

“I don’t think those have ever failed,” Ms. Rand said.

However, articles designed to address zoning and affordable housing issues were pulled recently because officials didn’t think they were ready.

At a meeting of the planning board on Tuesday, members voted to remove a revision to zoning regulations meant to address certain inconsistencies in town policy on food trucks, weddings and temporary retail operations.

“There wasn’t enough time to get enough input from the public,” said planning board chair Leah Smith. The bylaw was developed by a subcommittee meant to address the “ad hoc” nature of town zoning enforcement, a source of controversy as the town has become busier in recent years.

Ms. Rand said that a $25,000 article for a town visioning process as part of a town master plan may help with the process of zoning updates. Last completed about 20 years ago, a new master plan could inform how zoning regulations should be updated based on resident input, she said.

Ms. Smith said the planning board is hoping to host a series of public meetings before the bylaw is brought back for a special town meeting.

The town affordable housing committee is also aiming to bring to a special town meeting a revised version of an accessory dwelling unit funding program that was taken off the warrant last month.

Other articles will be adjusted on town meeting floor, including proposed updates to pool zoning regulations. These will come with several necessary revisions from the planning board, Ms. Smith said, after town counsel determined the energy committee’s desire to ban fossil fuel pool heating was “a contradiction to state law.” Remaining changes include regulations on screener plantings, drainage and a requirement to adhere to the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code.

A $96,000 request for a space needs study at the West Tisbury School is also planned to be removed on the floor.

One citizen petition article will be considered at the meeting: a proposed bylaw aimed at reducing noise that would ban outdoor construction and landscaping work on Sundays and legal holidays.

To register for free childcare at the West Tisbury Library, call 508-693-3366 or email wt_mail@clamsnet.org.