Tisbury’s annual and special town meetings are moving to the high school performing arts center in Oak Bluffs for the next two and a half years, while the town school undergoes an extensive renovation and addition.

The state legislature last week approved an act authorizing Tisbury to hold town meetings outside of its geographic boundaries through 2024, “if necessary for health and safety.”

Tisbury town meetings are traditionally held in the school gym. The only municipal building with enough room for voters to gather, it’s slated for demolition in early September as the construction project gets under way.

Town officials had appealed to state government late last year for permission to go outside Tisbury for its 2022 town meetings. Despite the backing of Governor Charlie Baker as far back as January, the request idled in committees until earlier this month, when the act was rewritten to include 2023 and 2024.

Town administrator Jay Grande said Monday that he is looking for a Sept. 20 special town meeting at the performing arts center to seek authorization for more borrowing to finance the Tisbury School project.

He will request the meeting at this Wednesday’s select board meeting, Mr. Grande said during a Monday afternoon online meeting of the school building committee.

Overwhelmingly approved by town voters last year at an estimated cost of $53 million, the school project has since been scaled back somewhat to stay within the borrowing limit as construction and labor costs have risen across the economy.

Actual numbers from contractors’ bids have yet to be presented by the two firms supervising the project, owner’s project manager CHA and construction manager at risk WT Rich. But Mr. Grande said Monday he expects to have guaranteed maximum prices from all the contractors by mid-August.

Wednesday’s select board meeting begins at 4 p.m. on Zoom.