Leaders of faith communities on Martha’s Vineyard are in the forefront of affordable housing concerns on the Island, as we are among the first to be contacted by people experiencing housing crises. We have met several times in recent months to discuss current efforts to address the lack of affordable housing in our community. We want to share our support for a plan that would provide increased revenue for affordable housing on our Island.

We ask you to support S868/H13777. This act would allow municipalities to impose a small fee on real estate transactions over a certain amount to fund affordable housing in their communities. Recipients are those who keep our Island thriving in many needed jobs, yet have difficulty finding a place to live. We encourage you to contact our state legislators and Vineyard town administrators to express your support of this act.

We, the undersigned, also endorse the Coalition to Create the Martha’s Vineyard Housing Bank (CCMVHB), which seeks to create an Islandwide housing bank, funded by a transfer fee, for the purpose of directly funding affordable, community, and attainable year-round housing efforts.

We ask that you support this act and the efforts of CCMVHB to address this issue of justice and equality, which will enhance life on our Island for all.

Rev. Sharon Eckhardt

Vineyard Haven

Also signed by 16 other members of the Martha’s Vineyard clergy.