The Steamship Authority’s 5:30 a.m. summer freight boat from Woods Hole to Vineyard Haven continues to be a bone of contention in Falmouth, as evidenced by a two-hour public hearing Monday on the boat line’s proposed 2022 operating schedules.

More than 90 people joined the Zoom meeting and nearly two dozen gave testimony, all but three of them Falmouth residents stiffly opposed to the early summer freight run.

“The Steamship Authority is proposing, for another year, to be abusive to the residents of Falmouth and Woods Hole,” said Nat Trumbull, who submitted a petition signed by more than 100 Falmouth residents that triggered Monday’s hearing.

“It’s impossible not to wake up when a heavily loaded truck 40 feet in length goes by at five in the morning or earlier,” Mr. Trumbull said. “You are depriving hundreds of town of Falmouth residents of sleep . . . This is a public health risk.”

The remarks were echoed by other speakers, many of whom read from prepared statements.

“It’s time for you to give us the respect that we deserve, and instead of just placating us, actually listen to us and act,” Woods Hole Film Festival executive director Judith Laster told SSA officials, including general manager Bob Davis, who were listening in on the webinar hearing.

“Every year, people say they don’t want to come to Woods Hole because of the traffic and the parking,” Ms. Laster said.

Several speakers said they support proposed legislation removing the weighted voting system that allows Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket to have a supermajority on the boat line governing board.

“It is time for the mainland communities to have a fairer share in determining their destinies, beginning with quality of life,” said Eugenie Kuffler of Woods Hole.

The Falmouth’s transportation management committee has suggested two alternatives to the 5:30 a.m. freight trip, Mr. Trumbull said: a mid-afternoon freight boat, or simply shifting the entire daily schedule one half-hour later.

SSA special counsel Steven Sayers, who moderated the meeting, said both alternatives would be studied before finalizing the 2022 schedules.

But Martha’s Vineyard Commission executive director Adam Turner said with plenty of summer traffic problems on the Vineyard side too, truckers delivering needed supplies must get to the Island early.

“We have huge traffic problems right after roughly 7 a.m.,” Mr. Turner said. “So to put this traffic on boats that go later . . . that makes no sense. They’re just going to be stuck.”

Early deliveries of perishables are also important to Island food businesses, including 99 restaurants, Mr. Turner said.

Falmouth resident Ralph Herbst rejected that argument.

“If they can’t store what they need . . . then they’re not ready to serve the public,” Mr. Herbst said of Island restaurants. “It’s crazy to think they can have fresh produce on a daily basis.”

Jonathan Goldman of Woods Hole said growth in the VIneyard population is the root problem.

“This growth is undeniable and, I fear, unsustainable,” he said.

Mr. Sayers said written public testimony can be emailed to or mailed to Mr. Davis at the Steamship Authority, 228 Palmer avenue, Falmouth MA 02540.