Here’s an object lesson on the merits of pre-empting aggressively and fighting through pre-empts. South was dealing, with no one vulnerable:

                         ♠ 9 8 3
                         ♥️ 8 6 5 2
                         ♦️ J 9 2
                         ♣️ 8 7 2

WEST                                    EAST
♠  A K 10 7 6 5                     ♠  Q
♥️  K Q 4                              ♥️ A J 10 9 7 3
♦️ A K 5 4                            ♦️ 7
♣️  —                                    ♣️  K 10 9 5 3

                         ♠  J 4 2
                         ♥️  —
                         ♦️ Q 10 8 6 3
                         ♣️ A Q J 6 4

The bidding proceeded as follows:

South        West        North        East
2♦️*           DBL        3♦️           3♥️
Pass            4♥️        All Pass

• Weak two bid

Opening lead: ♦️6

First, you should know that it isn’t necessary to have a six-card suit in order to open or jump overcall with a weak two bid. A five-bagger is permissible, and even desirable when you have another long suit. In any case, count on partner to raise with three of your suit.

And that’s what happened. Bravo, North-South!

Where did the auction go wrong? Shell-shocked by opponents’ bidding and more than a little chicken-hearted, East could manage only 3♥️ raised to 4♥️  by equally clueless West. Both East and West bid too conservatively.

Advice for East-West: if you don’t figure to lose tricks in the pre-emptive suit, act as if the suit doesn’t exist., West could be certain of no diamond losers. Let’s try this one on for effectiveness, with both East and West bidding soundly:

South            West         North         East
2♦️•              DBL          3♦️            4♥️
Pass              5♣️•          Pass           5♦️••  
Pass              6♥️          All Pass

• Exclusion Blackwood showing a void in the bid suit and asking for key cards in any suit but clubs

•• One key card, which could only be the ♥️A since West has the others in every suit but clubs.

After East’s 4♥️ bid, West can “come alive,” as per the bridge jargon. Since East might have a four-card heart suit, 6♥️ is an honest session’s slam.
So there are two lessons: pre-empt aggressively — and fight through them when you’ve got strong hands.