Here are some more good reads from the Vineyard Gazette and Martha's Vineyard Magazine archives. Consider it a time out from the news of the day.

This week’s stories include a piece by Steve Myrick on the career of photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, who was equally at home on the front cover of Life Magazine as he was chronicling a foggy day in Menemsha.

Peter Brannen walks the streets of Nantucket to get a handle on an age-old island rivalry, and Sara Brown profiles the Rev. Alden Besse, the Vineyard’s pastor of peace.

Joe Keenan looks back on his time working as a cook on the Shenandoah in a piece for the magazine called You Might Call Him Captain.

Finally, reporter Ivy Ashe says goodbye to the Vineyard in her essay One More for the Road Before I Go.
