Early voting is underway on Martha’s Vineyard and hundreds of Islanders have already cast ballots with less than two weeks to go until the Nov. 6 election.

Massachusetts is one of 37 states that have early voting systems in place, and this is the first time it is available for a midterm election after being introduced during the 2016 presidential election. Anyone who registered to vote by Oct. 17 is eligible. Early voting began on Oct. 22 and runs through Nov. 2 at all Island town halls.

All signs point to a high turnout on election day. — Dylan Hausthor

Town clerks on Wednesday reported a steady and enthusiastic turnout of voters eager to take advantage of early voting since polls opened Monday morning.

“People seem to like it. They’ve been outwardly thankful,” said Tisbury town clerk Hillary Conklin, who had set up a makeshift polling station in a spare room in the Tisbury town hall, fit with American flag paraphernalia and “I Voted” stickers.

She said 3,440 residents had registered to vote by the Oct. 17 deadline and 112 had made use of early voting.

In West Tisbury, 47 of the 2,566 registered voters had already visited the voting booths set up in the town hall by about 11 a.m. Wednesday.

“I’d rather be early than late,” said retired West Tisbury police chief Daniel Rossi after casting his early ballot. “It’s just easier. If it’s easier, why not do it?”

West Tisbury town clerk Tara Whiting said early voting was steady, but was being far outpaced by absentee ballots. She said absentee ballot numbers are on track with the 2016 presidential election as many residents stop by to apply for ballots for family members off-Island. Voters have until Nov. 5 to request an absentee ballot.

Voters have until Nov. 5 to request an absentee ballot. — Dylan Hausthor

“It’s always busier with absentee voting,” Ms. Whiting said. “People are energized to vote.”

Chilmark town clerk Jennifer Christy said this year’s election has her expecting a high voter turnout. She said she’s counted 34 early ballots from 1,006 registered voters so far.

“We haven’t been over 1,000 in a while,” she said.

On Cuttyhunk, town clerk Lisa Wright said 129 Gosnold voters are registered and nearly a quarter of them had already voted or applied for an absentee ballot. “We usually have more absentee and early voters than election day voters,” she said.

For Chappaquiddick residents Jim and Kate Greer, the option to vote early was a pleasant surprise when they stopped by the Edgartown town hall while running errands Wednesday afternoon.

“We popped our heads in to pay taxes and saw that early voting was an option,” said Mr. Greer. “I thought, why not kill two birds with one stone?”

Inside the town hall meeting room, assistant town clerk Karen Madeiros was the lone poll worker watching over the station of six booths that increases up to 20 on election day. She said it’s been smooth going so far for the 102 ballots already cast from the 3,729 registered Edgartown voters, but one ballot had to be thrown out.

Early voting was available at all town halls. — Dylan Hausthor

“There’s already been one spoiled ballot because the person filled out too many options,” she said.

In Aquinnah, early voters slip sealed envelopes with their early ballots into a temporary ballot box handmade out from spruce by Aquinnah craftsman Stephen Hutchinson. Town clerk Gabriella Camilleri said four early voters of 373 registered have used it since Monday.

“It’s a work of art,” she said. “Everybody is pretty happy with it. It’s a new edition to the voting experience.”

Oak Bluffs town clerk Laura Johnston said she’s received only glowing reviews of the early voting process, and that it’s a far cry from the hustle and bustle of the election day rush. She said 3,907 Oak Bluffs voters are registered and 132 had already walked through her doors.

“The pace is different,” she said. “It’s a nice way to vote. It’s very relaxing.”

Mr. Greer agreed and urged others to find time to get to the polls on election day to give early voting a shot.

“You can never be too busy to vote,” he said, looking around the quiet Edgartown polling station. “This couldn’t be more convenient. No line!”