• No view of the skies under the Lagoon Pond Bridge.
  • Mark Alan Lovewell

Crescent Moon and Venus

If the skies are clear you have a pretty good chance of seeing the thin crescent moon above the bright planet Venus. The two are low in the southwestern sky after sunset. You should be able to pick them out an hour after sunset and only for a short time.

In the last few nights Venus has appeared lingering really close to the western horizon after sunset and it is a challenging sight. Venus is just making its debut in our evening sky. Venus spent last year as a morning planet.

The future is good for Venus, the brightest planet in the solar system. In the weeks ahead more and more will see Venus as it appears higher and higher in the sky. By late May and early June, Venus will be at its highest and observable for hours after sunset.

Venus and the moon are in the zodiacal constellation Pisces. By next Thursday night, the moon is first quarter and appears in the zodiacal constellation Taurus.


Sunrise and Sunset
Day Sunrise Sunset
Fri., Feb. 16 6:36 5:15
Sat., Feb. 17 6:34 5:17
Sun., Feb. 18 6:33 5:18
Mon., Feb. 19 6:32 5:19
Tues., Feb. 20 6:30 5:20
Wed., Feb. 21 6:29 5:22
Thurs., Feb. 22 6:27 5:23
Fri., Feb. 23 6:26 5:24
Temperatures and Precipitations
Day Max (Fº) Min (Fº) Inches
Feb. 9 32 17 0.00
Feb. 10 50 29 T
Feb. 11 53 43 1.02
Feb. 12 54 43 1.99
Feb. 13 46 27 0.06
Feb. 14 39 27 T
Feb. 15 47 38 0.07


Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 42º F


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