Squibnocket Beach and Pond are an amenity enjoyed by a majority of nonvoting thousands, which is now threatened by a minority of Chilmark officials and voters for the benefit of a few residents who have won the right to improve their road, at great cause to the community.

Swimmers, sunbathers, surfers, boaters, environmentalists and all others wishing to preserve our wonderful Vineyard world and landscape will be affected by the decision to build a massive concrete bridge/causeway 13 feet high and 300 feet long, to say nothing of the loss of revenue to towns and businesses.

Further, because the beach must be radically redesigned, the pond may be breached and in the meantime one of only two Chilmark beaches — the other one often full — will probably not be available.

I believe — having spent over 30 years as a seasonal resident and painter — that this questions logic and existing laws.

Ellen Liman