Soup dumplings and dim sum are coming soon to downtown Vineyard Haven with the opening of a new Chinese restaurant on Main street.

Peter Cronig of Cronig’s Real Estate told the Gazette Monday that after months of interviews he has found a tenant for the vacant storefront at 76 Main street. The location formerly housed Waterside Market, which has relocated.

Mr. Cronig said he interviewed about 14 people who were interested in opening a restaurant at the location. “I just didn’t want another T-shirt shop that was going to close in the winter, and everybody said they wanted more restaurants,” he said. “I’ve been holding out and finally something happened.”

He said a family that runs a restaurant in Connecticut will open a 49-seat Chinese restaurant with “all kinds of authentic dishes,” including dim sum, soup dumplings, and potentially ramen. The family has spent time on the Vineyard, he said.

The restaurant will open after the permitting process and renovations, including more ventilation, are complete, Mr. Cronig said. The timeline isn’t certain but Mr. Cronig said they hope to open sometime in the summer, and for now they plan to be open year-round.

“That’s what we asked and hopefully that will happen,” he said.