

Many people look at Chappaquiddick from atop the town wharf and decide against a trip across. It doesn’t look that interesting from a distance, and there are no shops! But to those of us who live here, Chappaquiddick is an enduring and endearing pile of sand. It may not be an exciting place to live, but we’ve learned to appreciate the subtle changes each season brings. This time of year it’s the fall palette of oranges and browns of the marsh grass along Caleb’s Pond, the purple asters and yellow goldenrod along the roadsides, the maroon red of the beetlebung leaves and the last warmth of the low summer’s sun at the beach — or the chance to catch the winning fish.

Every now and then something happens here and it gets us all talking. As it turns out, The Last Farm on Chappaquiddick, Edo Potter’s book about her years as a child on Pimneymouse Farm, is out of date. It’s not that her story is out of date (it will always be a wonderfully written record of life on Chappy in the 1930s), but the title is no longer, accurate thanks to the coming of Slip Away Farm at the old Marshall property across from Brine’s Pond.

Slip Away Farm started this summer on an acre at the Farm Institute as part of the farm’s Pilot Parcel Project, a grant-funded opportunity for farmers to experiment in crops and growing methods. Lily Walter, principal at Slip Away Farm, wanted to compare no-till and reduced tilling methods to see if there was a positive effect on water needs and soil erosion, and to look at different mulch and cover crops. Her partners in the project are her brother Christian Walter, Collins Heavener and Jason Nichols. You may have seen them pulling, or pushing through the sandy spots, a long white box on wheels by bicycle this past summer as they delivered vegetables to CSA shareholders on Chappy. They also sold their produce at the West Tisbury Farmers’ Market.

Now that Slip Away is settling in on Chappy, they’re offering their produce at the Marshall farm every Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 6:30 p.m. They are also selling Chilmark Coffee beans and brewing hot coffee. Starting Oct. 13, they’ll also be open on Saturday mornings from 8 to 10 a.m. They’ll continue until they run out of vegetables, which could be several months with our long growing season.

The latest news from Lily is that the new chicken house on the rise behind the farmhouse now holds 10 chickens. Lily has ordered chicks so they’ll have eggs for sale by springtime. They also borrowed two pigs from the Farm Institute to work the land. Pigs are good at loosening soil while enriching it. They’ve also gotten three bunnies to breed for meat. You can read more about Slip Away on Lily’s blog:

There are so many food-related enterprises popping up on the Island in recent years. The harvests from farming land and sea are used to make amazing products that are edible or drinkable ­— or wearable. Last weekend’s Living Local Harvest Festival at the agricultural hall was a local’s version of the agricultural fair in August, showcasing our Island’s talents. There was lots of food to sample, like Mermaid Farm’s feta and mango lassies made by Bonnie Alexander, edible chestnuts from the Kingsbury farm in Vineyard Haven, seaweed salads, micro-greens salads and all sorts of other treats. Sidney was there with the Farm Institute’s oxen, Zeus and Apollo, giving rides in the ox cart. The line was long and the oxen willing, although there were some disappointed children when the oxen had to stop for lunch.

Chappaquiddick doesn’t make the newspaper that often, but when it does it’s usually the front page and it usually has to do with Wasque. Last week’s Gazette had a front page article about the emergency plan to slow erosion in front of the Schifters’ house at Wasque Point. The Edgartown conservation commission has allowed them to install a Coir Log Coastal Bank Protection System as a temporary measure until another plan for the house can be formulated. According to information provided to the commission, over 80 to 90 feet of coastal bank has been lost since the spring of 2012, causing the structures to be in danger of being undermined. The coir logs are made of coconut fiber, 10 feet long with 20-inch diameters. They’re placed end to end, tied together and held in place by anchors drilled into the side and bottom of the coastal bank. Evidently they’ve been arriving by ferry this past week.

Peter Wells, eminent columnist and ferry owner, wants to remind everyone about the group photo opportunity at the ferry this Sunday, Oct. 7 at 1 p.m. He says, “This time the pictures will be taken by a remote controlled, miniature helicopter.” I don’t think he’s joking about this because he adds, “We will also try for some video with the helicopter swooping over the crowd so that you can see yourself clearly.” Everyone participating will be able to get a copy of the photo.

The Chappaquiddick Community Center’s fall letter to subscribers went in the mail this week. It includes an update on the Cressy Building Fund, which has reached almost half of its goal of $75,000, and lists the work done on the center so far. There is also a wish list including a new piano, improved acoustics, a sound system, Sunfish for the sailing program and replacement of the curved bench at the end of the deck. Also included is a pre-order form for the 2013 photo calendar. You can also download an order form at Potlucks continue on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, starting at 6 p.m.

Chappy friends and yoga students of Amanda Cohen will be happy to hear about her marriage last weekend to Rich Saltzberg. The ceremony took place at the Allen Farm in Chilmark, overlooking the pond and the ocean, a dramatic setting. Congratulations, Mrs. Saltzberg!

Many thanks to Brad Woodger and Peter Wells, who wrote the Chappy column this summer, for keeping us informed and entertained. Although Brad will be leaving the Island, Peter has no plans to leave in the foreseeable future so you can expect some more columns from him during the winter months.