Tisbury Uncovered

The Vineyard Haven Library is starting a new series devoted to all things Tisbury. The series of discussions are presented by the League of Women Voters and the Evening Lecture Series and will occur on Tuesday evenings through March 13, each night beginning at 7 p.m.

First up, on Tuesday, Jan. 17, is Tisbury 101, an attempt to unravel the mysteries of Tisbury town government.

Subsequent discussions include: Jan. 24, Our Money: How Tisbury Gets It and Spends It; Jan. 31, Places of Learning: Our Schools and Library; Feb. 14, What We Build and Where; Feb. 21, The Board of Selectmen: Our Executive Branch; and March 13, Protecting Tisbury’s Land and Water.

For more details including a list of panelists, visit vhlibrary.org or call 508-696-4211, extension 16.