The forty-foot dragger Viking, which blew up and burned in Menemsha Creek Basin this summer, has been sold by her former owner, M.S. Duarte of Vineyard Haven, to Capt. John Coutinho of the same town. The Viking has been hauled out at the Martha’s Vineyard Shipbuilding Company yards, and will be completely rebuilt. Albert Allen, yard superintendent, and his regular crew, will perform the work. When she is once more in condition, Captain Coutinho will replace his present small fishing boat with the Viking.
This job is the first on in the line of actual vessel construction to be done at the yards in many years. The Viking, literally gutted by fire, and shaken by the two explosions which occurred in her hull, will require new timbering in places, new planking to a degree, and genera; refastening, with respect to the hull proper. The ceiling will have to be largely replaced, virtually the entire deck, the cabin and deckhouse rebuilt, and all equipment replaced save the winch. It is expected, nevertheless, that the vessel will be in commission before winter.