When Covid-19 restrictions forced Island schools to go dark in early 2020, thousands of video screens lit up as teachers took their lessons online...

Dr. Nicole Absar, a physician who specializes in neuropsychiatry, started at the hospital in January and has set her sights on helping Vineyarders...

The Edgartown conservation commission Wednesday voted to allow no more than 200 vehicles at a time on the Trustees’ Leland and Wasque parcels, and no...

John Stevens will head Edgartown School on an interim basis, with the school’s longtime guidance counselor Deborah DeBettencourt becoming assistant...

In a presentation to the select board Tuesday, Tighe & Bond, the company in charge of the East Chop revetment and coastal bank restoration...

Aquinnah voters Tuesday also approved the town's $7.1 million budget and backed funding for town building repairs.


News Briefs

The Martha’s Vineyard Commission hosts its annual Climate Action Fair on Sunday, May 19 at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury from noon to 4 p.m.

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Society opens its annual environmental film festival on May 23.

Sabrina Scott, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a daughter, Keziah Khaliya Scott, born on May 9,
